Sunday, March 14, 2010


Dear Mom and Dad,

I had a happy week in school!

This month we have a lot of birthdays! And Dr. Seuess birthday passed already. We have 5 birthdays this month. First, we celebrated Dr. Seuess's birthday on March 3rd. Next, exciting thing happened in this week. Mrs. Biondolillo had her next baby. Last, we had shamrock puzzle.

How were you?


1 comment:

  1. 3-7-2010

    Dear Jonathan,

    It IS an exciting week. We were so happy to see Mrs. Biondolillo's 2nd baby's pictures and know they were doing great

    Dr. Seuess's birthday is March 2nd. He wrote so many great stories. Not only children, everyone likes his books a lot. Besides him, there are a lot of good writers they had written many many good stories for you and me. Let's get some time next week to visit library again.

    You did enjoy the hiking this Saturday, did you? Spring is coming. We should have more fun for outdoor activity. Both your Mom and me had a cold last week. We are recovering and glad that both you and your sister stay healthy. We cannot wait for your next letter to tell us your school life next week.

    Mom and Dad
