Sunday, February 21, 2010


Dear Mom and Dad,

Happy Valentine's Day!

I was happy this week in school. We were doing a lot of thing this week. We had did many things for valentine's day. First, we made valentine's day truck so that we can put the things in the truck.

Next, we made heart animals with paper. We made it on the computer lab too. We are almost done with the animals.

Last, today is Abeham Lincoln Birthday. We are doing about the 2 presidents.


Sunday, February 7, 2010

02-05-2010 school jounary

Dear Mom and Dad,

I had a wonderful week in school. First, we watched a movie all about penguin. It is a wonderful movie. We are still watching the movie, we are the middle of the movie. The penguins was caught by the people but the penguin escaped and they made a new friend. Next, we read a wonderful book about Mr. Popper's penguin. It was a chapter book. Mr. Popper had 2 penguins and they got 10 baby penguins. We almost finished the book. It's a wonderful book. Last, we planted an new plant. We planted in a cup. We put water in the cup. It have two holes on the cup. The cup was small.

Waht did you do last week?

